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Sudley Primary School

Aim High and Smile for a Brighter Future



Why is Geography important in our school? 


At Sudley Primary, our Geography curriculum is designed to inspire curiosity and fascination. We want our children to understand the relationship between the physical world and it's people so that they become respectful citizens of the world with an empathetic approach to shaping their future. Children develop transferrable skills that they can apply across the curriculum giving them the opportunity to become critical thinkers ready to explore the world. 



How is Geography taught in our school? 


We have designed our curriculum so that children build upon prior learning. Our broad curriculum ranges from studying the local community to international issues ensuring a progressive understanding of the subject over time.   


Our curriculum is built on the principles of locational and place knowledge. We have identified clear knowledge that is to be taught for each unit of work. This is carefully sequenced so that it builds on previous knowledge and the children become confident geographers revisiting and deepening key concepts, making connections between topics and previous knowledge. In EYFS, children will learn to interact with their environment. This will be built upon in Key Stage 1 where children will explore rural and urban areas and observe our local environment whilst being introduced to simple map reading skills. In Key Stage 2, children will continue to develop these skills by applying them to larger areas such Europe and the wider world including India and Scandinavia.  


A strong emphasis is placed on developing and embedding subject-specific vocabulary, enabling students to articulate geographical ideas with clarity and confidence. At the start of each lesson, children retrieve prior learning within the unit through targeted questions. This regular recall helps our children consolidate their knowledge. Within the lessons, children have the opportunities to develop their geographical knowledge and skills through a wide range of interactive activities.  


In Geography , we are committed to ensuring that all children, including those with additional needs, have equal access to the full curriculum. To achieve this, we implement a variety of tailored strategies and support structures, designed to meet each child’s unique needs. These include and specialised resources, such adapted learning materials and approaches as well as scaffolded support to help students engage fully with the Geography curriculum. 



What will children get from the teaching of Geography? 


The children will gain real world knowledge of different countries in our ‘World Knowledge’ sessions. They will also develop knowledge, skills, and perspectives that are essential for understanding the world. Children will gain an understanding of global interdependence and the relationship between humans and the physical world including pressing global issues, such as climate change, deforestation, and pollution, as well as the importance of sustainability and conservation. 




Sudley Geography In Action

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