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Sudley Primary School

Aim High and Smile for a Brighter Future



Welcome to the curriculum area of our new school website. We hope you find it informative and that the information it contains helps you support your child's learning at home. This page will evolve and grow as our newly amalgamated curriculum develops over time.  


This section shares the vision we have for all our children, from Reception to Year 6. Our school curriculum is present in all that we do: assemblies, playtimes, lessons, extracurricular activities, and behaviour expectations around school to name but a few. 


In this space, you will find subject specific information and our half termly 'Curriculum Maps'. The subject information shares our long-term plans, the intention for each subject and some lovely photographs of the subjects in action from across school. Each half term, you will also find a new curriculum map for each year group which elaborates on the long-term plans. These are the most up to date and relevant information for you to be aware of. Information about trips, specific texts etc and dates to remember can be found here. We hope that by organising our curriculum information in this way, it is accessible to all and is easily understood.  


If you would like to know any more about our school curriculum or feel can support it in any way, please get in touch. 


Whole School Curriculum Intention 


At Sudley Primary School, we intend to offer our children a well sequenced, broad, and balanced, challenging, and inclusive curriculum which meets the requirements of the EYFS and National Curriculum. Underpinned by our belief in their limitless potential, our curriculum is built upon the foundations of reading, writing and maths and is shaped according to what our children need to know, understand, and do in order to thrive. 



Our curriculum promotes children’s social, moral, spiritual, and cultural development and allows our pupils to 

  • Enjoy and achieve by building on their unique strengths, interests, and experiences, 

  • Be resilient and engaged in the process of their own learning 

  • Be happy, enthusiastic, reflective, and committed learners who have a thirst for learning 

  • Develop their knowledge, skills and understanding in all areas, enabling them to make sustained progress. 

  • Develop their confidence and capacity to learn both collaboratively and independently 

  • Think creatively, engage in problem solving, be adventurous and explore areas of interest 

  •  Understand the importance of pursuing a safe and healthy lifestyle both physically and mentally. 

  • Form positive relationships which are based on a respect for themselves and others and develop their self esteem 

  • Become responsible, respectful, and caring citizens who celebrate diversity and make a positive contribution to the school and the wider community. 



Our curriculum is underpinned by four key values: 


  • Respect 

  • Responsibility 

  • Reflection 

  • Resilience 


We teach the EYFS and National Curriculum using a combination of approaches. In EYFS and KS1 subjects are taught thematically and make appropriate cross curricular links while in KS2, subjects are taught discretely. Cultural experiences are central to the children’s learning and play a significant role in fostering the engagement, motivation, and creativity that our children have to offer. We aim to use a range of evidence – based teaching approaches to ensure knowledge, skills and understanding are reinforced and embedded. We evaluate our practice regularly against what we know works.  


In the section below you will find out more about what is happening in each subject across school. 


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