Year 5
Top Tips for helping your child with Homework
- Keep a designated 'homework area' at home. Somewhere preferably where you have a flat surface, paper and pens readily available. Make sure any distractions are avoided e.g. turn off television
- Help keep a routine for your child when it comes to homework. Let your child decide when they want to do their homework but try and keep a regular time.
- Ask your child to give you a bit of background on the homework and why they have been set the piece. This should open up discussion and help their enthusiasm.
- Do be aware of modern teaching methods, e.g. in long division. Attend classes available to parents at school. Try not to teach your child methods you used at school. It could confuse them.
- Express high expectations in terms of presentation and quality for children from an early age. This will help them to complete homework to the best of their ability.
- However tempting it may be, refrain from completing your child's homework for them.
- Praise and encourage your child to help boost their confidence.
- Allow yourself enough time to help your child with their homework. By showing a interest you are communicating the fact that school work is important and needs to be taken seriously.
- Remember, at Sudley Primary school we always have homework club at Monday Lunchtime. This is a great way of getting the homework completed with help and advice on the best way to tackle it
- Homework is due in on a Monday
- All Homework must have a date and title. Both of these should be underlined.
- All Homework must be signed by a parent/carer before it is handed in.