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Sudley Primary School

Aim High and Smile for a Brighter Future


Our School Day

We operate a flexible registration each morning, with gates to school opening from 8.40 am.

The organisation of the school day is as follows:



08.55 -11.45- Morning Session

12.45- 15.15- Afternoon Session



08.55- 12.00- Morning Session

13.00-15.30- Afternoon Session


We consider punctuality to be of prime importance and parents/carers should be aware that lessons begin at 8.55. In order to avoid missing any learning,  we expect that all children are in their classrooms by this time. Any children arriving after 8.55am will need to enter via the school office and will be marked as late in the register. All other gates will be closed after this time.


The number of times a child is late will be recorded in a late book and on their School Annual Report. We ask for your co-operation in ensuring that your child is in school on time.  Children who are persistently late will receive a letter requesting that their punctuality improve. If the lateness is persistent then the Pupil Attendance and Educational Welfare Service may be asked to make a home visit.


If your child is absent you are required to call the school before 9.30am and leave a message on the school’s answer machine giving your child’s name, class and the reason for the absence.

Failure to log your child’s absence will result in a text message being sent to you at 10am to remind you to call the school to log your child’s absence.

Further failure to inform the school about your child’s absence will result in a phone call from the school.

An absence form must also be completed upon your child’s return to school which, again, can be obtained from the school office or downloaded from the website and returned to school.


As a school that promotes healthy eating and life styles we encourage the children to bring a fruit/vegetable snack into school to eat at morning break.


For lunch, children have a choice from bringing their own packed lunch or purchasing a hot dinner from the school canteen (please see the School Meals section for further information). Hot school meals are not chargeable for children in EYFS/KS1. 


Children are allowed to bring water bottles into school. The water must be in a transparent, named, plastic water bottle with a sports cap top. The bottle of water, which will stay in the classroom during break and lunchtime, must be taken home daily to be cleaned and the contents replaced. All of the tap water in school is mains water and is suitable for drinking. 


It is important that children are collected promptly at the end of the school day. We would request that pick up arrangements are made in advance and shared with your child, particularly if your plans change regularly.  If circumstances change unexpectedly, please contact the school office and they will ensure that a message is passed on to the child. The earlier this is communicated with us, the better.


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