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Sudley Primary School

Aim High and Smile for a Brighter Future



Mathematics Curriculum Intent


At Sudley Primary School, our curriculum offers children a high-quality mathematics education that develops enjoyment and curiosity around the subject. We understand that Mathematics is essential to everyday life: it is critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment. Therefore, our curriculum provides children with the opportunities to develop an understanding of the world through their ability to reason mathematically.

Each day during maths lessons, children work on the three key aims of the mathematical curriculum: practising and becoming fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics; securing their understanding through their ability to reason mathematically and solving problems by applying their rich knowledge and understanding. Furthermore, during basic skills sessions, children consolidate prior learning and work on their ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly, with the focus being on developing arithmetic and mental strategies. Through carefully sequenced lessons, pupils move fluently between the studies of number, geometry, statistics and measurement, and are able to make and apply connections between the mathematical ideas of each strand.

In order to gain a conceptual understanding of mathematical ideas, children use visual and concrete resources to explore and explain concepts. They are also supported through the use of additional practice in order to consolidate and secure their understanding. Children are continuously challenged by a wide-range of question types and through different representations of problems and topics. Those who grasp concepts quickly are faced with complex and sophisticated problems to deepen and further their understanding of concepts. This also provides regular opportunities to develop resilience, think creatively and engage in collaborative and independent work. Due to the interconnected nature of mathematics, at Sudley Primary we aim to teach maths both discretely and through other aspects and subjects in our school curriculum.

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