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Sudley Primary School

Aim High and Smile for a Brighter Future



Special Educational Needs (SEND)

At Sudley Primary School we have a SEND Team comprising of an Inclusion Manager and a SENCo. This team is responsible for managing the SEND provision.


Mrs Simone O’Rourke is the school’s Inclusion Manager/ Assistant Head and Miss Lisa Muchmore is our School SENCO. They can be contacted at school on 0151 427 2941 or via email:

At Sudley Primary School we recognise the definition of SEN as stated in the Code of Practice 2014:

‘A pupil has SEN where their learning difficulty or disability calls for special educational provision, namely provision different from or additional to that normally available to pupils of the same age.’ (p94 para 6.15)

The school reflects what the Code of Practice states in that pupils are only identified as SEN if they do not make adequate progress once they have had all the interventions/adjustments and good quality personalised teaching. This is known as ‘SEN Support’.

The four broad areas identified within the SEN Code of Practice 2014 are:

  • Communication and Interaction,
  • Cognition and Learning,
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties
  • Sensory and/or Physical needs.


SEND Curriculum Statement

At Sudley Primary School, we believe that all children are entitled to receive a high-quality of education regardless of their needs or disabilities. We are intent on raising aspirations and improving outcomes for all children so that are both supported and challenged to experience success and fulfil their potential. In Sudley Primary School , we are committed to ensuring that all children, including those with additional needs, have equal access to the full curriculum. To achieve this, we implement a variety of tailored strategies and support structures, designed to meet each child’s unique needs. These include specialised resources, such adapted learning materials and approaches as well as scaffolded support to help students engage fully with the Sudley Primary School curriculum. We provide a curriculum that ensures children’s social and emotional wellbeing, confidence and self-esteem are nurtured and academic resilience is built in order to prepare children for secondary school, with the confidence to communicate and thus make a successful transition into adulthood. We want to ‘aim high for a brighter future’.



To ensure equality of provision for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities in order to thrive and experience success, we will:

  • raise the aspirations of and expectations for children special educational needs and/or disabilities, with a strong focus on improving outcomes to enable them to make a successful transition into adulthood.
  • believe that quality-first teaching, planning and provision are the foundations of learning.
  • follow a graduated approach. The four stages of the cycle are: ASSESS – PLAN – DO – REVIEW.
  • ensure that needs are identified as early as possible, with reasonable adjustments, support and/or intervention put into place.
  • create an inclusive ethos and environment that recognises all needs of pupils with SEND and be committed to overcoming barriers to learning.
  • ensure that children have access to a broad and balanced curriculum which is appropriately differentiated to enable children to succeed and provide enrichment opportunities beyond the classroom.
  • deliver a personalised curriculum that has the views and needs of the child at its heart, along with their families.
  • develop and promote a positive self-image with a ‘can-do’ culture and a desire to learn.
  • encourage a long-term goal of independence.
  • work in collaboration with parents/carers.
  • ensure SEND pupils share their voice and views.
  • work in close partnership with external agencies, including health professionals, to ensure that there is a collaborative approach to support children with SEND.



At Sudley Primary School, every teacher is a teacher of SEND. Our provision is underpinned by the collaboration of teachers, SENCO, Inclusion Manager, learning support assistants, senior leaders, external/outreach agencies, parents/carers and most importantly the child.

The SENCO will co-ordinate and monitor the quality of the support / provision / intervention and progress pupils make, with the support of other professionals, to have a positive impact on the progress, development and wellbeing of SEND pupils at Sudley Primary School.


The SENCo will:

  • oversee the management and implementation of the SEND Policy to ensure its effectiveness to improve outcomes and adjust accordingly.
  • adhere to the graduated approach with early identification of need at the heart.
  • ensure the SEND Register and records are up to date.
  • assess, request and/or complete paperwork to support meeting the needs of SEND, which may include: Health Care Plans, Early Help Assessment Tools (EHAT), Education Health and Care Plans (EHCP), Speech and Language Therapy referrals, ASD and ADHD Pathway referrals.
  • provide professional development training to staff to ensure they can support and meet the needs of children with SEND to ensure the best outcomes are achieved.
  • ensure SEND records are maintained so that any transitions between classes and/or schools/phases in education are planned for sensitively.


Pupils with SEND will:

  • be respected and treated equally.
  • have opportunities to share their pupil voice regularly.
  • be included in the school day, provided with first-quality teaching and when needed, have reasonable adjustments made to meet their needs and/or break down barriers to learning.
  • have opportunities to participate in wider curriculum, including sport, art, music, outdoor learning and residentials.
  • have opportunities to be role models and share responsibilities within our school community, for example: school council.


Pupils with SEND may:

  • access additional support and intervention to meet their needs linked to the four broad areas set out in the SEND Code of Practice.
  • have targeted one-to-one or small group support to work towards their individual outcomes.
  • access communication, social and emotional intervention, such as ‘Happy to be me’, ‘Socially Speaking’ and Lego Therapy.
  • receive social, emotional and mental health support from school’s Mental Health Lead (Mrs S O'Rourke) and from external agencies such as the Mental Health Support Team and Seedlings.
  • receive support and/or intervention additional to school’s SEND provision and resources, for example SENISS, OSSME, Educational Psychologist, School Family Support Service, Speech and Language Therapy and Occupational Therapy.



As a result of the support and provision above, children with SEND at Sudley Primary School will:

  • feel included.
  • feel happy, safe, respected and cared for.
  • have their strengths, achievements and outcomes celebrated.
  • show confidence and resilience in and outside of the classroom.
  • be able to identify and regulate their emotions.
  • build friendships.
  • demonstrate high levels of motivation and engagement in learning.
  • make progress from their starting points to achieve their outcomes.
  • develop listening, attention and turn-taking skills to work collaboratively with others.
  • experience smooth transitions between different phases in education.
  • develop their independence in preparation for adulthood.

For additional information please read Sudley Primary’s SEND Policy and SEND Information report.

We are an inclusive school and we are determined to meet the wide ranging needs of all our pupils and ensure all children receive a broad and balanced curriculum.  Our policies and procedures for SEND demonstrate how we achieve this.


SEND Local Offer
Liverpool’s local offer provides information about services for parents, children and young people up to the age of 25 with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). On the local offer website you can:
Search for services from a range of local agencies including education, health and social care.
Find out more about SEND reforms and keep up to date with the scope of the local offer as it develops and grows.
View a range of SEND documents and reports.
Visit Liverpool’s local offer website.
Our current school response to the Local Authority local offer can be found here.

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